Wireless Protection

A Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) is a security solution designed to monitor and protect wireless networks from unauthorized access and various wireless threats. It operates by continuously scanning the radio spectrum of a wireless local area network (WLAN) to detect rogue access points, unauthorized devices, and other potential security threats.

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Wireless protection by Extreme Airdefense
On this page Kappa Data informs you how to fill in Wireless Protection with a Wireless Intrusion Prevention Systems and how Extreme Airdefense can help you to prevent unauthorized access to your network via the Wifi network

Wireless Protection via WIPS

A Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) is a security solution designed to monitor and protect wireless networks from unauthorized access and various wireless threats. It operates by continuously scanning the radio spectrum of a wireless local area network (WLAN) to detect rogue access points, unauthorized devices, and other potential security threats.

There are a lot of functions within the WIPS landscape. The most common one is to identify and mitigate threats such as rogue APs, man-in-the-middle attacks, evil twin APs, password attacks, packet sniffing and denial-of-service attacks.

By continuously monitoring the network usage and performance, it can also help to maintain the network security, uptime and overall health of a WLAN.

Some compliancy frameworks also require companies of using a WIPS solution.

Why should I use WIPS?

  • Protect against a wide range of wireless threats, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data transmitted over the network
  • Help maintain the overall network performance and availability by detecting and mitigating threats in real-time
  • Assist in meeting regulatory requirements and internal security policies, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties
  • Many WIPS solutions can automatically take countermeasures against detected threats, reducing the need for manual intervention

One of the best WIPS solutions on the market is Extreme AirDefense. Extreme AirDefense is a comprehensive WIPS solution offered by Extreme Networks. It is designed to simplify the protection, monitoring and compliance of WLAN networks.

AirDefense is designed to protect your network from wireless threats and attacks, maximize your wireless network performance and enforce policy compliance. As a standalone platform, AirDefense is part of a system that includes the AirDefense appliance. The AirDefense appliance comes ready with the application and all supporting software preloaded.

AirDefense enables you to administer and configure your network efficiently using detailed dashboards and the network and alarms views. Use the floor plan configuration to locate devices in your floor plan.

Benefits of Wireless protection with WIPS

In today’s interconnected world, ensuring the security of wireless networks is more critical than ever. Wireless Intrusion Prevention Systems (WIPS) offer a powerful solution to protect against a variety of threats. Let’s delve deeper into the specific benefits that WIPS provide.

Enhanced Security

WIPS provide comprehensive threat detection within Wireless Protection, identifying and neutralizing unauthorized access points that could be used to intercept or steal data. They detect unauthorized devices attempting to connect to the network, preventing potential intruders from gaining access. Additionally, WIPS monitor for suspicious activity continuously, allowing for the detection of unusual patterns of behavior which might indicate a security breach or attack.

Real-time response is another significant benefit. Administrators receive immediate notifications about potential threats, allowing for quick action. WIPS can automatically block unauthorized devices and activities, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring swift responses to security incidents.

Automated Protection in Wireless Protection

WIPS reduce the need for manual intervention by operating 24/7, constantly scanning for threats without requiring constant human oversight. Automated actions such as blocking, disconnecting unauthorized devices, and sending alerts free up IT staff to focus on other critical tasks. This results in efficient management of security operations. With automated threat detection and response, managing network security becomes more straightforward and less labor-intensive. Administrators can manage security policies and responses from a single console, streamlining operations.

Regulatory Compliance in Wireless Protection

Meeting industry standards is crucial, and many industries are subject to strict data protection laws that require robust security measures. WIPS help organizations meet these requirements by providing comprehensive protection. Detailed logs and reports generated by WIPS support compliance audits, demonstrating that the organization is actively monitoring and protecting its wireless networks.

By preventing data breaches, WIPS help organizations avoid costly penalties associated with non-compliance. Compliance with security regulations enhances trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders, reinforcing the organization’s reputation for reliability and security.

Operational Efficiency

Proactive security management is another benefit of WIPS. Early threat detection allows organizations to address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, reducing downtime. By preventing attacks that could disrupt network operations, WIPS help maintain business continuity and reduce the risk of costly downtime.

Cost savings are also significant. Automated detection and response reduce the need for extensive manual intervention, lowering the overall cost of managing security incidents. Preventing data breaches and network downtime helps avoid the financial losses associated with such events.

Peace of Mind in Wireless Protection

Continuous vigilance provides assured protection, giving administrators and business owners peace of mind. Knowing that the network is under constant surveillance allows IT staff to focus on strategic initiatives rather than being bogged down by constant security concerns.

A secure environment enhances user confidence. Employees, customers, and partners can use the wireless network with confidence, knowing that their data and communications are secure. A secure and reliable network environment promotes productivity and efficiency, as users are not disrupted by security issues or breaches.

Wireless protection with Extreme Airdefense

As discussed above, Extreme Airdefense is one of the toplevel solution to manage Wireless Intrusion Prevention System in the market. Extreme AirDefense is a comprehensive WIPS solution offered by Extreme Networks. It is designed to simplify the protection, monitoring and compliance of WLAN networks.

Extreme Airdefense dashboard for Wireless protection

AirDefense comes in two flaviours

  • AirDefense Essentials
    • Essential threats and features (42+ Events)
    • Rogue Detection and termination
    • Cloudified for quicker threat and feature additions without upgrading your infrastructure
    • Detailed visibility to drill into key threats and compromised areas
    • Leverage the dashboard for visuals into threat status for a quick review of the network security status
    • Included for Pilot Subscribers
  • AirDefense Enterprise
    • First in the industry to offer 24/7/365 Wireless intrusion
    • Largest threat database in the industry (300+)
    • LiveView
    • Advanced Rouge Detection & Fast Termination
    • Forensics of 325+ fields per device per minute for historical review
    • Live View for real-time visibility of Wireless traffic and threats
    • Automation on Threat detection
      • Termination/ACL
      • Automatic Packet Captures
    • Compliance & Custom Reporting
    • Wireless Vulnerability assessment
    • On Premises Solution

Frequently asked questions

Check our FAQ section where you can find the first questions that have been asked to us during the last months.

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  • How can Extreme AirDefense support compliance with regulatory requirements?

    Extreme AirDefense supports compliance with regulatory requirements by providing detailed logs and reports on wireless activity and security incidents. These reports can be used to demonstrate compliance with standards such as NIS2, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS, which require organizations to implement and maintain robust security measures for protecting sensitive data.

  • How does a Wireless Intrusion Prevention System enhance wireless network security?

    A Wireless Intrusion Prevention System enhances wireless network security by:

    • Detecting unauthorized devices: Identifying rogue access points and unauthorized devices attempting to connect to the network.
    • Monitoring for attacks: Continuously scanning for common wireless attacks such as man-in-the-middle, denial-of-service (DoS), and eavesdropping.
    • Enforcing policies: Automatically applying security policies to block unauthorized access and mitigate threats.
    • Providing alerts: Generating real-time alerts for network administrators to respond to potential security incidents.
  • How does Extreme AirDefense automate threat response?

    Extreme AirDefense automates threat response by applying predefined security policies to detected threats. When a potential threat is identified, the system can automatically block unauthorized devices, disconnect rogue access points, and take other necessary actions to mitigate the threat without manual intervention, ensuring immediate protection.

  • How does Extreme AirDefense improve network visibility?

    Extreme AirDefense improves network visibility by providing continuous monitoring and detailed insights into the wireless environment. It offers real-time data on network traffic, device connections, and potential threats, allowing administrators to have a clear and comprehensive view of the wireless network’s security status.

  • What are the key features of Extreme AirDefense?

    Key features of Extreme AirDefense include:

    • Continuous monitoring: Real-time scanning of the wireless environment for threats and anomalies.
    • Advanced threat detection: Identifying and mitigating sophisticated wireless attacks.
    • Automated response: Automatically applying countermeasures to neutralize threats.
    • Detailed reporting: Comprehensive reports on wireless activity and security incidents.
    • Integration with wireless infrastructure: Seamless integration with Extreme Networks’ wireless solutions for centralized management.
  • What is a Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS)?

    A Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) is a security solution designed to detect, monitor, and prevent unauthorized access and malicious activity on a wireless network. It continuously scans the wireless spectrum for potential threats and anomalies, providing real-time protection against wireless attacks.

  • What specific threats can a WIPS protect against?

    A WIPS can protect against various wireless threats, including:

    • Rogue access points: Unauthorized access points set up by attackers to intercept network traffic.
    • Evil twin attacks: Fake access points that mimic legitimate ones to steal user credentials.
    • Man-in-the-middle attacks: Intercepting and altering communication between devices.
    • Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks: Flooding the wireless network with traffic to disrupt service.
    • Eavesdropping: Unauthorized interception of wireless communication.
  • Why is Extreme AirDefense a suitable WIPS solution for an organization?

    Extreme AirDefense is a suitable WIPS solution for an organization because it offers comprehensive wireless security features, including advanced threat detection, real-time monitoring, automated response, and detailed reporting. It provides robust protection against wireless threats and integrates seamlessly with existing wireless infrastructure.

  • Why is real-time monitoring important in a WIPS?

    Real-time monitoring is important in a WIPS because wireless threats can emerge and escalate quickly. Continuous, real-time monitoring allows the system to detect and respond to threats immediately, minimizing the potential impact on the network and maintaining the integrity and security of wireless communications.

  • Why should an organization consider implementing Extreme AirDefense as part of their wireless protection strategy?

    An organization should consider implementing Extreme AirDefense as part of their wireless protection strategy because it offers comprehensive protection against a wide range of wireless threats, enhances visibility and control over the wireless environment, automates threat response, and supports regulatory compliance. Its integration with existing wireless infrastructure makes it an effective and efficient solution for securing wireless networks.

Contact us for a demo

Are you curious to learn how Extreme Networks can help you with securing the wireless part of your network from unauthorized access? Contact us for a demo via the below button. 

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