Barracuda Email Protection

Barracuda Email protection has become an essential part within your cybersecurity policy. Phishing and account takeover have become the fast growing email security threats. Discover here the Barracuda email protection solution.

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Email Protection Barracuda
On this page Kappa Data informs about the Barracuda Email protection solution that fits in protection your Microsoft Email, Onedrive and Sharepoint environment in your organization.

Considerations Email Protection

The best Email protection solution can be implemented to protect an organization, but without user awareness of the phishing problems of your employees it might be a lost investment.  

While email protection solutions significantly enhance security by detecting and mitigating many threats, they cannot completely stop users from clicking on malicious links. A multi-layered approach combining technological defenses, user training, and vigilant security practices is essential to minimize the risk. User awareness and education play a crucial role in complementing these technical measures.

User behaviour Email

To know whether Email Protection might be a high priority for your customers, can be shown by the use of a email threat scanner.

The Barracuda Email Threat Scanner uses the Microsoft 365 account and its artificial intelligence engine to scan the Microsoft 365 accounts for various attacks that might be sitting in the user mailboxes. The cloud-based scanner runs in the background and can find threats including spear phishing attacks, business email compromise and account takeover attempts. 

When finished, the scan highlights : 

  • Threats found in your organization – by number
  • Threats found in your organization – by type
  • Which of your employees have the most threats
  • The status of your domain’s DMARC record

Barracuda Email Threat Scanner scans emails received in the last 12 months. It takes about two minutes to sign up for the scan. The scan duration depends on the size of your Microsoft 365 mailboxes and can take from 1 to 24 hours.

Barracuda Email Threat scanner results

Barracuda Email protection with user awareness training

With an email threat scan, like shown above, you can have the discussion with the customer what needs to be done to protect the customer from cyber threats. 

Phishing attacks can be well crafted and sometimes quite difficult to detect. Therefore, users must be informed and trained regarding the different techniques cybercriminals implement in order to get the login credentials of users for future attacks. 

Class room training user awareness

When educating your personnel, we recommend organizing classroom-based training. In a classroom, mobile phones and laptops are closed and the focus of the participants will be higher than user awareness trainings via a web application. 

Kappa Data can help you with organizing classroom user awareness trainings, and more information can be found on our page user awareness training. 

Email Protection features

Email protection solutions are offered by Kappa Data from the suppliers Barracuda and Sophos. Depending on the business needs from your customers, one off both solutions can be selected. 

Barracuda Email Protection leverages machine learning to deliver the highest level of threat detection accuracy. In this way, Barracuda protects the Microsoft 365 mailboxes against all 12 email threat types, reduce false positives and maintain a secure communication environment with email detection efficacy. 

1. Email protection for preventing threats

Protection for SPAM, Malware and Advanced Threat Protection is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for stopping advanced threats by blocking access to malicious URL’s and attachments

Enhance email security with AI-powered email Gateway

Barracuda’s smart technology uses advanced machine learning to spot and filter out unwanted messages. It constantly updates to catch new spam tricks, helping protect your organization from scams, extortion, and phishing. These smart systems identify and block harmful emails before they reach your inbox, ensuring strong email security and excellent detection. The system in Email Gateway Defense is regularly updated, reducing mistakes and making sure only the right emails get through.

Real time analysis with Barracuda
Spam and malware inbound filtering

Stop Spam and malware with inbound filtering.

Barracuda swiftly scans and cleans every email before it reaches your mail server, safeguarding you from email threats. It uses virus scanning, spam scoring, real-time intent analysis, URL link protection, reputation checks, and other methods to offer top-notch protection.

Barracuda Central, our global threat operations center that works around the clock, keeps an eye on the internet for new threats from all angles and updates our email filtering technology with this information.

Block advanced threats

Some of the most dangerous threats are crafted to slip past email filters. Barracuda uses Advanced Threat Protection, a cloud-based service that guards against ransomware and other malware, including new and sophisticated threats.

We believe you shouldn’t have to sacrifice performance for security. Barracuda employs multiple layers of analysis, such as behavioral analytics, static analysis, and CPU-emulation sandboxing, to identify and stop unknown and tricky threats.

Block advanced threats
Block malicious emails

Block Malicious email links

Hackers and spammers often put links in emails that can trick you into revealing personal information or lead you to harmful websites. Barracuda’s link protection helps keep users safe from these threats.

Barracuda automatically changes deceptive links in incoming emails and checks the URLs and domains in real-time when clicked. Users are redirected safely to a valid site or warned about the fraudulent link. These rewritten links never expire and always work to keep you protected.

Protect outbound email and stop data leaks.

Sometimes, employees can accidentally turn internal systems into sources of spam or malicious mail. Outbound filtering stops these internal threats, protecting your partners and customers and preventing your organization from being blacklisted as a spam sender.

Barracuda’s data-loss protection and email encryption ensure that sensitive information, like credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, and HIPAA data, stays within your organization. Content policies can automatically encrypt, quarantine, or block specific outgoing emails based on their content, sender, or recipient, keeping your data secure.

Protect outbound emails

2. Phishing and impersonation protection

Targeted attacks are increasing in their complexity and ability to evade traditional defenses. The need for a comprehensive, proactive, and smart email security solution has never been more urgent.

Phishing and impersonation protection

Stop phishing attacks

Phishing and Impersonation is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for protecting Email business accounts from phishing and users impersonated by cybercriminals. 

Barracuda provides easy API integration with Microsoft 365 for ultimate protection against personalized threats. With its unmatched ability to analyze patterns, detect anomalies, and recognize evolving tactics, Barracuda’s AI stays one step ahead of cybercriminals

Main Features

Barracuda provides easy API integration with Microsoft 365 for ultimate protection against personalized threats. With its unmatched ability to analyze patterns, detect anomalies, and recognize evolving tactics, Barracuda’s AI stays one step ahead of cybercriminals.

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Unlock superior detection accuracy

Barracuda AI-powered email security excels at identifying targeted threats with high accuracy, reducing the risk of successful attacks. Our AI continuously fine-tunes your email security by learning from patterns and behaviors, reducing false positive rates.

Spear ohishing attacks

Secure email in real time

Barracuda’s AI analyzes emails in real time and takes immediate action to prevent malicious messages from reaching users. Upon detection, malicious emails are immediately purged from inboxes, eliminating the risk of user interaction.

Secure email in real time

Save IT resources without compromising efficacy.

AI-powered security allows for robust threat prevention without customer configuration. With high detection efficacy, there’s no need to instruct the system on threat detection methods or create error-prone detection policies.

Save IT resources

3. Account Takeover Protection

Account Takeover is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for detecting and remediating account takeover with use of AI. This solution prevents lateral phishing and attacks on your business partners. Lock you attackers out of compromised mailboxes! 


Corporate account takeover is a serious threat to businesses. Hackers use stolen login details to access corporate email accounts and then launch targeted attacks both inside the company and against external contacts. These attacks are hard to detect because they come from legitimate accounts and look like they are from trusted sources. Traditional email security solutions usually don’t monitor internal traffic, so they can’t stop attacks that originate from within.

Prevent loss credentials

Prevent loss of credentials and account takeover

Barracuda identifies both attempts to take over accounts and attacks from compromised ones. By examining historical and incoming data, the AI spots unusual behavior, content, and link patterns within your organization to flag and quarantine suspicious emails. It also prevents attempts to steal employee credentials by automatically blocking targeted phishing emails designed to capture passwords.

Detect account takeover in progress and alert IT.

Once hackers get access to an email account, they can move around within your organization, trying to hack into more important accounts. They watch and learn how your company operates to launch attacks on your partners and customers. With Barracuda, your IT team gets alerts about suspicious activities in email accounts, such as strange log-ins, changes in inbox settings, and malicious emails sent from within the company.

Detect account takeover
Remediate account takeover

Remediate account takeover and remove malicious email messages.

Account takeovers can seriously harm organizations and need to be fixed quickly once discovered. IT admins must block hackers from accessing compromised accounts, identify any harmful messages, and alert recipients. Barracuda’s account takeover remediation tool helps admins delete all internal email attacks sent from compromised accounts and notify any external recipients. IT teams can quickly lock out hackers from these accounts to prevent further malicious use.

4. Domain Fraud Protection

Domain Fraud Protection is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for protecting your brands from spoofing and impersonation and simplifying email authentication. 

Stop brand impersonation attacks on your customers and business partners.

Hackers often use domain spoofing and brand hijacking in social engineering attacks. These techniques target not only your employees but also your customers, external partners, and others who trust your brand. Such impersonation attacks can result in financial losses and harm your brand’s reputation.

Stop brand impersonation
See who sends mails on your behalf

See who sends email messages on your behalf.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance) is an email security standard designed to prevent domain spoofing, so attackers can’t use your company’s brand to send fake emails. It automatically rejects emails that don’t come from your legitimate email systems. Barracuda’s DMARC gives you control over your brand and stops these impersonation attacks.

Simplify DMARC enforcement.

Many organizations find it challenging to set up and enforce DMARC on their own, which leaves them and their partners vulnerable to impersonation attacks. With many companies having numerous email senders, it’s crucial to have detailed visibility into all traffic using their brand to implement DMARC standards effectively.

Barracuda offers DMARC reporting to help organizations properly set up DMARC enforcement. This reduces the chances of false positives, such as blocking legitimate emails or misidentifying a genuine sender.

Simplify DMARC Enforcement
Ensure Deliverability

Ensure deliverability of your email and get better marketing ROI.

Email campaigns are only effective if your customers receive your messages. Sending an email without DMARC authentication raises the risk of it being mistakenly marked as spam. Barracuda offers comprehensive DMARC reporting, analysis, and visibility to help ensure your emails reach their intended recipients, maximizing deliverability and boosting engagement with your email programs.

5. Web Security

Web Security is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for blocking access to malicious content and stop unproductive and inappropriate web browsing. 

Protect your email users and network from malicious URLs.

When your email security blocks an attack, the last thing you want is for the same attack to sneak in through a malicious link. Barracuda Email Protection includes integrated Web Security, ensuring that when an email-borne attack is blocked, all users are also instantly prevented from accessing the same harmful content anywhere on your network.

Limit damage
Keep malware out

Keep malware out of your inboxes and off your network.

A single click from one of your users can unleash destructive malware into your network. Barracuda offers advanced Web Security to prevent users from accessing harmful web content, whether it arrives via email or other communication channels like Microsoft Teams and Slack. With the optional device agent, you can monitor your key endpoint assets, checking their status and OS information to ensure comprehensive protection.

Stop inappropriate web browsing.

Unregulated web activity can drain your organization’s bandwidth and cause compliance issues. Barracuda’s preloaded category filters block inappropriate content, ensuring employees stay productive and compliant while browsing the web. With our optional device agent, you can easily customize these filters by user group and location to meet your organization’s specific needs.

Stop inappropriate web brow
Global threatintelligence

Stay ahead of the latest threats with Barracuda’s global threat-intelligence network.

Barracuda’s exceptional global threat-intelligence network processes enormous amounts of real-time threat data from millions of sources worldwide. This allows Barracuda to constantly improve its threat-detection abilities and swiftly counter new and emerging threats.

Deploy protection that’s easy to manage and scale.

Barracuda Email Protection’s integrated Web Security is completely SaaS-based, removing the complexity and expense of traditional hardware setups. It can be set up in minutes, and its proxy-free design only routes suspicious requests for analysis, offering top-notch protection without slowing down your network. Centralized management gives you a clear view of browsing activity, making it simple to spot security and compliance risks.

Deploy protection

6. Zero Trust Access for Microsoft 365

Zero Trust Access for Microsoft 365 is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for protection your Microsoft 365 applications from lateral attacks

Quick to deploy and easy to manage

Security begins with controlling access. Barracuda’s Zero Trust Access model offers unmatched access control for all users and devices, whether they are remote, hybrid, company-owned, or personally owned by employees and contractors. It provides remote, conditional, and contextual access to resources, minimizing the risks of over-privileged access. With Zero Trust Access, employees and partners can securely use Microsoft 365 applications without increasing vulnerability to attacks.

Secure Third party

Secure third-party access to your business.

Reduce the risks linked to third-party access to your business with Zero Trust. Enhance visibility into device and user activity and enable role-based access to applications and data. Implement Zero Trust Access to secure Microsoft Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint, and more for your outsourcers, partners, contractors, and post-M&A subsidiaries.

Protect your employees with dynamically-triggered multifactor authentication (MFA).

Transform your endpoint devices into an extra layer of protection against Microsoft account breaches. Using Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA) and dynamically-triggered multi-factor authentication (MFA), you can thwart advanced MFA bypass attacks and reduce breach risks for your employees.

Dynamically trigger MFA
Simplify compliance reporting

Simplify compliance reporting

Effortlessly meet SOC Type 2 and other compliance requirements with Zero Trust Access. It establishes a clear record system for your Microsoft 365 applications, providing streamlined reports of system access throughout the organization. Manage, track, and verify who accessed what and when, all within a single product.

7. Incident Response

Incident Response is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for proactively identifying security threats with threat insights.

Reduce the impact and cost of email attacks.

When email attacks slip past security and reach your users’ inboxes, swift and precise action is crucial to prevent harm and contain the threat. Manually responding to attacks is slow and inefficient, allowing threats to spread and cause more damage.

Barracuda Incident Response automates this process, enabling you to quickly identify the attack’s nature and scope, instantly remove malicious emails, and rapidly implement remediation actions to stop the attack and minimize damage.

Respond faster and more effectively with:

  • Post-delivery threat removal
  • Notification of affected users
  • Fast click-through remediation
  • Security incident alerts
  • Automated response playbooks
Respond immediately to email-borne attacks

Respond immediately to email-borne attacks.

ll delivered emails by sender or subject to find all internal users who received it. You can then automatically remove every instance of the threatening email. Automatic remediation identifies and removes emails with malicious URLs or attachments directly from users’ mailboxes after delivery, without requiring your intervention.

Automate your entire incident response process.

Incident response playbooks provide effective workflows but often involve manual, repetitive tasks that take up valuable time. Our Automated Workflow feature allows you to create custom playbooks and fully automate your responses to various email incidents across different solutions. Plus, our public APIs enable you to integrate response data with your SIEM, SOAR, and XDR platforms, streamlining operations and conserving IT resources.

Automate incident response
Limit damage

Limit Damage

Beyond identifying who received the malicious email, Incident Response also pinpoints the users who clicked on a harmful link. It then automatically sends instructions for updating passwords or taking other actions to contain the attack. These users can also be assigned enhanced security awareness training to prevent future incidents.

Gain insights to prevent future attacks.

Incident Response boasts powerful analytic capabilities, enabling you to use insights from delivered email to detect anomalies in emails already in your users’ inboxes. For example, you can review the geographical origins of inbound emails and proactively identify malicious emails from countries you don’t typically do business with. You can prioritize and uncover new threats using data on potential incidents related to those already flagged by you or other Barracuda customers, as well as threats currently circulating identified by Barracuda intelligence. This insight helps your team spot threats that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Gain insights to prevent future attacks
Integrated domain-based phishing protection

Integrated domain-based phishing protection.

Barracuda Incident Response also includes content security features that protect both email and web traffic. It detects and automatically blocks malicious domains found in phishing emails for all users through API integration. DNS phishing protection works seamlessly to provide a unified threat management response against advanced attacks. This feature is available to customers of Incident Response and Barracuda Content Shield.

8. Security Awareness Training

Security awareness Training is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for simulating email threats and analyze user behavior in order to educate users and reduce cyberrisks. 

Simplify Security Awareness

Security Awareness Training allows you to either create a fully customized program or use the Quick Launch process to start an awareness campaign in under a minute. Quick Launch streamlines security awareness with a simple 5-step setup, proven curated testing and training content, and efficient, automated reporting.

More information about Kappa Data’s user awareness training can be found on this page

Simplify security awareness
Empower users to defeat the 13 email threat types.

Empower users to defeat the 13 email threat types.

Barracuda Email Protection blocks over 20,000 spear phishing attacks daily. Security Awareness Training uses this extensive threat intelligence to develop realistic simulation and training content that covers all 13 identified email threat types. Users will learn to recognize business email compromise, impersonation attacks, and other major email threats.

Gain real insights into your biggest vulnerabilities.

Security Awareness Training captures thousands of data points to give you deeper and more useful insights into exactly where your risks exist so you can precisely target your awareness programs.

  • User-behavior metrics
  • Detailed trend analytics
  • Benchmarking statistics
  • Customizable reports and dashboards
Gain real insights into your biggest vulnerabilities.
Meet compliance with specially-designed training.

Meet compliance with specially-designed training.

When security awareness training requirements are mandatory, it’s not always clear where to begin. Security Awareness Training includes ready-to-launch training designed by our experts to meet compliance requirements, making it easy for your organization to meet regulations, fight security risks, and stay secure.

Keep security top-of-mind with engaging awareness material.

Continuous training is most effective at influencing user behavioral change. Leverage the monthly ClickThinkingâ„¢ content bundles of infographics, posters, and additional videos to supplement training campaigns and cultivate your security culture.

Keep security top-of-mind with engaging awareness material.
Make training part of a comprehensive security strategy

Integrated domain-based phishing protection.

Barracuda provides a comprehensive solution that includes security awareness training, gateway defense, API-based inbox defense, incident response, data protection, and compliance capabilities. Barracuda Email Protection eliminates the integration and support challenges commonly associated with using multiple vendors for these services.

9. Cloud-to-Cloud backup

Cloud-to-Cloud backup is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for back-ups off your Teams, Exchange, SharePoint and OneDrive Data against ransomware and other cyber-threats attacks. 

Flexible, easy to use Microsoft 365 protection

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup provides the flexibility to restore Microsoft 365 Teams, Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, and OneNote data with precise detail.

With full SharePoint support, you can back up and restore everything, including different site templates, custom lists, permissions, and metadata. This eliminates much of the labor and cost associated with file-only restoration. You can restore SharePoint libraries, lists, and documents to any SharePoint sites you choose. Backing up and restoring has never been easier.

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup offers complete, granular protection of your data with point-in-time retrieval and both scheduled and on-demand backups. Additionally, your data is deduplicated and compressed to maximize storage efficiency and minimize the backup window.

Cloud-to-Cloud backup Barracuda
Effective ransomware protection

Effective ransomware protection

Your backup is your best defense against a ransomware attack, so it’s crucial to have a reliable backup of all your important data, including SaaS data in Microsoft 365. While Microsoft provides features like the recycle bin, it isn’t designed to serve as a comprehensive backup and recovery solution. That’s why Microsoft recommends using a third-party backup for Microsoft 365, such as Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup.

Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup not only makes it easy to locate and restore the data you need, but it also offers essential features like immutable storage, which prevents data from being modified or deleted except through the secure Barracuda Cloud-to-Cloud Backup interface. Your data is further protected by security measures such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), five levels of role-based access control to manage user permissions, and end-to-end encryption.

If you ever need assistance, Barracuda’s award-winning 24/7 technical support is just a phone call away.

Cloud Native

Cloud-to-Cloud Backup is fully cloud-based, so you don’t have to manage or update any software or hardware. Since your Microsoft 365 data is already in the cloud, keeping your encrypted backup files there ensures better performance and instant scalability. It just makes sense. Multiple external copies of your backup files provide redundancy and security. Plus, you can sign up and start your first backup in just five minutes.

Cloud Native backup of Barracuda

10. Email Encryption

Email encryption is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for secure data at-rest and in-motion. 

Go beyond traditional email encryption.

Deploying standalone email encryption services can be so cumbersome to manage and use that many users decide to bypass their organization’s secure communication policies. Barracuda offers easy-to-use email encryption that is highly secure and integrated into a comprehensive email protection solution. More importantly, Barracuda combines email encryption with other layers of data protection, including data leak prevention, archiving, and filtering, to block malware and advanced threats.

Deploy in the cloud
Secure data in transit and on every server.

Secure data in transit and on every server.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) creates a secure channel for data transmission, ensuring that all content, emails, and attachments are encrypted while being sent. This is known as data-in-motion security because it protects the data during the transmission process.

However, TLS doesn’t secure data at rest. This means that your emails and attachments could be unprotected while stored on sending and receiving servers or on other servers and gateways that process emails in transit. Therefore, TLS alone doesn’t fully secure your emails.

Barracuda encrypts all emails and attachments on every server where they are stored. If a user replies to an encrypted message, the reply is also automatically encrypted, ensuring continuous protection.

Use AES-256 encryption with automatic key management.

Barracuda secures all encrypted emails using 256-bit keys, commonly known as AES-256. These keys are stored in Barracuda’s geographically-distributed data centers, with multiple copies for redundancy. The data centers maintain strict physical security and access control measures. Additionally, the data centers and the keys used for encryption are stored in separate areas for added security.

Once an email is encrypted, the recipient receives a notification with a link to the Barracuda Message Center. Access to the message requires HTTPS. First-time users will need to create a password, which they will use for all subsequent access. Any replies are also sent via the Barracuda Message Center to ensure continued security.

AES-256 encryption with automatic key management.
Meet compliance with specially-designed training.

Simplify compliance with granular encryption policies.

For encryption to be effective, it’s crucial to use it on emails containing sensitive or legally-protected information. This is especially important for heavily-regulated industries like healthcare, finance, and legal sectors, which are required to secure certain types of data.

With Barracuda, you can easily set up policies to automatically encrypt emails based on factors such as the sender, recipient, keywords, domain, and other criteria. This ensures a safe and reliable way to share sensitive information with customers and partners, reducing the risk of data loss and helping you meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Leverage data protection that goes beyond encryption.

Email encryption can control who accesses your emails after they leave your organization, but it doesn’t prevent unauthorized users from sending emails containing sensitive data, like credit card numbers, social security numbers, or HIPAA-protected information. Data Leak Prevention (DLP) automatically scans every outgoing email for sensitive content and can automatically encrypt, quarantine, or block the email based on its content.

Your data is further safeguarded by email archiving, which enforces email-retention policies with a tamper-proof copy of all communications. Additionally, Barracuda provides a full cloud-based backup of every email, ensuring your data is protected if your mail server goes down or important emails are accidentally deleted by users.

Leverage data protection that goes beyond encryption.

11. Cloud Archiving

Cloud Archive is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for retaining email communication and reduce storage requirements of your Exchange Server. 

Keep email communication safe and tamper-free

Barracuda stores your archived data outside of your operational email environment in a dedicated, tamperproof repository. This ensures the data is retained for as long as you need it, without any risk of corruption or deletion.

By reducing the volume of data managed by your email server, you can significantly cut costs and boost operational efficiency. Users can stay within storage limits without having to export PST files or delete data, which could potentially jeopardize your compliance with regulations.

Keep email communication safe and tamper-free.

Ensure regulatory compliance.

Our policy-based approach utilizes granular retention policies to automatically keep each item of data securely for the required duration. This ensures you can confidently meet government and regulatory requirements while maintaining defensible deletion policies.

It’s simple to prove the accuracy and completeness of your archive and provide a chain of custody for every data item. Role-based security controls ensure that only authorized personnel can access the data in the archive, and comprehensive audit trails record every system and user activity.

Streamline e-discovery

The indexed archive offers iterative, multi-level search and tagging capabilities, which greatly reduce the time and effort needed to respond to audit and discovery requests.

With an intuitive, role-based interface, you can easily locate specific messages when needed and demonstrate the accuracy and completeness of the data returned for each case. Selected data can be placed on legal hold on a case-by-case basis for as long as necessary, and then exported for analysis or disclosure.

Streamline e-discovery
Access archived emails anytime and anywhere.

Access archived emails anytime and anywhere.

Barracuda Cloud Archiving Service allows users to easily access their archived data from any location and device.

The multi-function Microsoft Outlook Add-In provides a seamless, integrated experience within their familiar Outlook client, enabling them to work smoothly with both mailbox and archived data. It also retains a local cache of archived messages, ensuring access even when offline.

Additionally, a standalone desktop client and a web interface offer anytime, anywhere access to archives from any device.

Deploy in the cloud

Cloud Archiving Service provides a completely cloud-based solution, managed and supported by Barracuda with no customer software or hardware required. Archiving is licensed per-user with no retention or storage limits. Barracuda’s extensive global cloud infrastructure ensures security, while centralized management makes it simple.

Deploy in the cloud

12. Data Inspector

Data Inspector is one the 13 measures within Email Protection for finding and remediating sensitive data and malware in SharePoint and OneDrive 

Get insight into sensitive data

SharePoint and OneDrive deployments can improperly store sensitive data, such as Social Security numbers, credit card information, network credentials, and more, putting your data at risk.

With Barracuda Data Inspector, you can see exactly what kind of data has been found, whether it has been shared internally or externally, and where it’s located. You can remediate that data by unsharing it, quarantining it, or deleting it entirely.

Data Inspector also identifies sensitive information in images, including photos, screenshots, and document scans. You can further customize by creating your own data classifiers to identify specific information types, such as employee or student IDs, project codenames, and other proprietary information.

More information about Data Inspector can be found on our page Data Inspector Barracuda

Data Inspector

Frequently asked questions

Check our FAQ section where you can find the first questions that have been asked to us during the last months.

Contact us
  • How does Barracuda Email Protection contribute to overall cybersecurity resilience?

    Barracuda Email Protection contributes to overall cybersecurity resilience by providing a robust defense against email-borne threats, which are often the entry point for cyberattacks. It ensures that email communications are secure, prevents data breaches, and enables rapid response to security incidents. By protecting email systems, organizations can maintain operational continuity, safeguard sensitive information, and reduce the risk of cyberattacks impacting their business.

  • How does Barracuda Email Protection enhance email security in the current cybersecurity landscape?

    Barracuda Email Protection enhances email security by leveraging advanced technologies such as AI and machine learning to detect and block sophisticated threats. It offers real-time protection against phishing, malware, and other email-borne attacks, and provides comprehensive email filtering and DLP to prevent data breaches. Additionally, it includes incident response capabilities to quickly address and mitigate security incidents.

  • How does Barracuda Email Protection integrate with existing IT infrastructure?

    Barracuda Email Protection integrates seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure, including popular email platforms like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. It can be deployed as a cloud service or on-premises, and it works with existing security tools to provide a cohesive and comprehensive email security solution.

  • How does Barracuda Email Protection support data loss prevention (DLP)?

    Barracuda Email Protection supports DLP by scanning outgoing emails for sensitive information and applying policies to prevent unauthorized data sharing. It can block, quarantine, or encrypt emails containing sensitive data, ensuring that confidential information is not inadvertently or maliciously sent outside the organization.

  • What are the key features of Barracuda Email Protection?

    Barracuda Email protection key features :

    • Advanced Threat Protection (ATP): Detects and blocks sophisticated email threats using AI and machine learning.
    • Email Filtering: Filters out spam, phishing, and malicious emails.
    • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Prevents sensitive data from being sent outside the organization.
    • Email Archiving: Provides secure, compliant email archiving for long-term storage and retrieval.
    • Incident Response: Automates the response to email security incidents.
    • Real-time reporting and analytics: Offers insights into email security trends and threats.
  • What is Barracuda Email Protection?

    Barracuda Email Protection is a comprehensive security solution designed to protect organizations from email-borne threats, including phishing, malware, ransomware, and spam. It provides advanced threat detection, email filtering, data loss prevention (DLP), and archiving capabilities to ensure the security and integrity of email communications.

  • What role does AI and machine learning play in Barracuda Email Protection?

    AI and machine learning play a crucial role in Barracuda Email Protection by enhancing its ability to detect and respond to sophisticated email threats. These technologies analyze email patterns and behaviors to identify anomalies and potential threats in real-time. They improve the accuracy of threat detection, reduce false positives, and enable proactive protection against emerging threats.

  • Which types of organizations would benefit the most from using Barracuda Email Protection?

    Organizations of all sizes and across various industries can benefit from Barracuda Email Protection. However, it is particularly beneficial for organizations that handle sensitive information, such as financial institutions, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and government agencies, where email security is critical.

  • Why is Barracuda Email Protection important for compliance with the NIS2 law in Belgium?

    The NIS2 directive in Belgium mandates stringent cybersecurity measures for critical infrastructure and essential services to ensure the security and resilience of their networks and information systems. Barracuda Email Protection helps organizations comply with NIS2 by providing robust email security measures, including threat detection, incident response, and data protection, which are essential for safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring continuity of services.

  • Why should organizations consider using Barracuda Email Protection?

    Organizations should consider using Barracuda Email Protection to safeguard their email communications from evolving cyber threats. It offers comprehensive protection, ensuring that emails are secure, compliant, and free from malicious content. By implementing Barracuda Email Protection, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches, protect sensitive information, and maintain the integrity of their email systems.

Contact us for a demo

Are you curious to learn how Barracuda Email Protection bundles can help you to protect your users and your data of Microsoft Office 365 from phishing, impersonation and malware attacks? Contact us for a demo via the below button. 

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