Privileged Access Management

Privileged Access Management empowers organizations to strengthen security, protect valuable assets, and simplify privileged access management in today's digital environment.

Privileged Access Management PAM Essentials

Privileged accounts are primary target for hackers.

Privilleged users have usually unrestricted access to the company's most critical assets and their credentials. When you know that 49% of all breaches are all credential-related attacks*, and 70% of these breaches are linked to privileged account abuse. Security professionals often say that employees have more privivelegd access then necessary. 

Why Privileged Access Management? (PAM)

Privileged Access Management (PAM) replaces the need for manual password management and access control with seamless automation, stronger security and continuous oversight. 

Still, too many companies rely on spreadsheets to keep track of passwords and attempt to govern privileged access manually. They count on the users to remember their passwords and adhere to access security policies. Needless to say, but these type of practices are inefficient and are impossible to scale. 

As NIS2 directives will be communicated from the 18th of October in Belgium, Privileged Access Management will be required for many organizations. Users can no longer have administrator rights and access management need to organized differently. 

One Identity PAM Essentials

One Identity Privileged Access Management (PAM) Essentials is a SaaS-based solution that prioritizes security, manageability and compliance via a native cloud environment. Therefore, you don’t need to install anything and can be considered as a straightforward and seamless deployment.

With this SaaS application, a user-centric experience is provided by making it easy for your team to embrace and utilize the PAM tools effectively. 

PAM Essentials provides privileged sessions and access controls which helps you to mitigate heightened risks associated with unauthorized users. 

With One Identity Privileged Access Management Essentials, organizations can meet compliancy with industry-specific standards and meet the cyber insurance requirements, like NIS2. 

Key benefits PAM Essentials

Simplified PAM approach with full visibility

User-centric and security-first design

Cost-effective and compliant

Saas-based architecture

Capabilities PAM Essentials

Capabilities One Indentity PAM Essentials

Companies seeking a PAM solution that’s intuitive and user-friendly without compromising on functionality or security.

  • Recording and replay
  • Full-session audit
  • Bring Your Own Directory 
  • VPN-less connectivity
  • Advanced proxy technology
  • Key protocol support – RDP, SSH
  • Secure remote access
  • Credential Management
  • System Discovery via Active Directory

*For OneLogin customers, it is plug and play. 

Cost-effiency PAM Essentials

Cost-efficiency PAM Essentials One Identity

Organizations looking to optimize their security infrastructure without substantial additional expenses.

  • Rapid Deployment
  • VPN-less connectivity
  • Best practice first design and approach
  • Familiar IDaaSuser experience

Swift implementations PAM Essentials

Swift implementation PAM Essentials One Identity

Companies aiming for quick deployment and adoption without a significant learning curve for administrators.

  • No additional infrastructure required
  • Easy adoption with familiar UX
  • Active Directory system discovery

Migration to SaaS solutions

Enterprises interested in migrating to Software as a Service (SaaS) models for scalability, accessibility, and reduced infrastructure management.

  • Best practice first design and approach
  • Familiar IDaaS user experience
  • Advanced proxy technology

Safeguard versus PAM Essentials

Safeguard versus PAM Essentials

Conclusions PAM Essentials

Stronger Security


Reduces enterprise attack surface by automating and simplifying the process of granting privileged credentials resulting in a secured enterprise and new level of functionality for privileged users

Better Compliance


Ensures that your organization meets auditor requirements with recorded sessions, helping to simplify and automate reporting

Lower Costs


Reduces TCO and helps you meet cybersecurity insurance requirements while realizing quick ROI with simplified deployment and management

Authentication integration with Onelogin

User authentication is as well an important part in the NIS2 directives. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a recommended use within the authentication process. Although, credentials can be comprised in the past. How to check credentials?

Onelogin Authentication management with Workforce Identity

Workforce Identity Management provides an Advanced and Professional bundle which contains several applications. This One login authentication solution can be integrated with the One Identity PAM Essential solution, mentioned above. 

Single Sign-on One Login

Single Sign-On

One-click access to all apps - in the cloud and on-prem
Multi-factor Authentication One Login

Multi-factor Authentication

Secure your critical corporate assets with risk-based access control
Smart Factor Authentication One Login

Smartfactor Authentication

Prevent Cyber threats with context-aware adaptive authentication
Advanced Directory One Login

Advanced Directory

Synchronize users from multiple directories, such as Workday, Active Directory, LDAP, VLDAP, G-Suite and others
Identity Lifecycle Management

Identity Lifecycle Management

Streamline user and application management for automated onboarding and offboarding
HR-driven Identity

HR-Driven Identity

Control personally identifiable information (PII) and app access over the employee lifecycle.
One Identity PAM Essentials

One Identity Cloud PAM Essentials

Simplified, secure and compliant cloudbased PAM to protect your most critical assets
Onelogin Desktop

OneLogin Desktop

Move toward a passwordless environment using certificate-based trust for remote employees.
OneLogin Access

OneLogin Access

Securely unify access across your on-premise and cloud apps


Bring cloud-based authentication to applications with an LDAP interface
RDG & RD Web Access

RDG & RD Web Access

Unify and secure remote access to on prem Windows servers and desktops.
Radius OneLogin


Streamline management and control with secure MFA for on-prem network appliances and apps like WiFi and VPN

Contact us for a demo

Are you curious to learn whether Armis can help you with searching of assets in the network and how to protect these assets? Contact us for a demo via the below button. 

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Frequently asked questions

Check our FAQ section where you can find the first questions that have been asked to us during the last months.

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  • How does PAM Essentials enhance visibility into privileged activities?

    PAM Essentials enhances visibility into privileged activities by:

    • Recording sessions: Capturing detailed records of privileged user sessions for review and analysis.
    • Real-time monitoring: Providing real-time alerts and notifications of suspicious activities.
    • Comprehensive reporting: Generating detailed reports on privileged access and activities for compliance and audit purposes.
    • User behavior analytics: Analyzing user behavior to detect anomalies and potential security threats.
  • How does PAM Essentials help in securing privileged accounts?

    PAM Essentials secures privileged accounts by:

    • Credential vaulting: Storing privileged credentials securely and reducing the risk of theft or misuse.
    • Session management: Monitoring and recording privileged sessions for audit and compliance purposes.
    • Access control: Enforcing granular access policies to ensure only authorized users can access critical systems.
    • Just-in-time access: Providing temporary access to privileged accounts as needed, reducing the risk of long-term exposure.
  • How does PAM Essentials help organizations comply with the NIS2 directives?

    PAM Essentials helps organizations comply with the NIS 2 directives by:

    • Enforcing access controls: Implementing strict access controls for privileged accounts to prevent unauthorized access.
    • Monitoring and auditing: Providing detailed logs and recordings of privileged activities for audit and compliance purposes.
    • Reducing attack surface: Minimizing the risk of privileged account compromise by enforcing strong authentication and least privilege principles.
    • Incident response: Facilitating quick identification and response to suspicious activities involving privileged accounts.
  • What are the key features of One Identity’s PAM Essentials?

    Key features of One Identity’s PAM Essentials include:

    • Secure credential storage: Storing privileged credentials in a secure, encrypted vault.
    • Session monitoring: Tracking and recording privileged user sessions for real-time monitoring and auditing.
    • Granular access policies: Enforcing detailed access policies based on user roles and responsibilities.
    • Automated workflows: Streamlining approval processes for privileged access requests.
    • Risk assessment: Evaluating the risk associated with privileged activities and adjusting policies accordingly.
  • What is Privileged Access Management (PAM) Essentials from One Identity?

    Privileged Access Management (PAM) Essentials from One Identity is a solution designed to secure, control, and monitor access to critical systems and sensitive information by privileged users. It helps organizations manage and audit the activities of users with elevated privileges to prevent unauthorized access and mitigate security risks.

  • What role does PAM play in the overall security strategy of an organization?

    PAM plays a crucial role in the overall security strategy of an organization by:

    • Protecting critical assets: Securing access to critical systems and sensitive information.
    • Preventing insider threats: Reducing the risk of malicious or accidental misuse of privileged accounts by insiders.
    • Ensuring compliance: Meeting regulatory requirements for managing and auditing privileged access.
    • Supporting incident response: Facilitating quick detection and response to security incidents involving privileged accounts.
  • Why is it important for organizations to manage and monitor privileged access?

    It is important for organizations to manage and monitor privileged access to prevent the misuse of elevated privileges, which can lead to significant security incidents. By controlling and auditing privileged access, organizations can detect and respond to suspicious activities, ensure compliance with regulations, and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.

  • Why is Privileged Access Management critical for cybersecurity?

    Privileged Access Management is critical for cybersecurity because privileged accounts have elevated access to critical systems and data. If compromised, these accounts can be exploited to cause significant harm, including data breaches, system disruptions, and unauthorized access to sensitive information. PAM mitigates these risks by securing and controlling privileged access.

  • Why should organizations prioritize implementing PAM Essentials in light of the NIS2 directives?

    Organizations should prioritize implementing PAM Essentials in light of the NIS2 directives because:

    • Regulatory compliance: PAM Essentials helps meet the stringent requirements for managing privileged access as mandated by the NIS 2 directives.
    • Enhanced security posture: Securing privileged accounts reduces the risk of significant security breaches and disruptions.
    • Improved accountability: Monitoring and auditing privileged activities ensure accountability and transparency.
    • Risk mitigation: Proactively managing and securing privileged access minimizes the attack surface and mitigates potential threats.
    • Operational efficiency: Automating access controls and workflows enhances efficiency and reduces administrative overhead.

Contact us for a demo

Are you curious to learn how Kappa Data can help you with Privileged Access Management solutions in your organization? Contact us for a demo via the below button. 

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