User Awareness training

User awareness training takes part of the NIS2 guidelines where management is supposed to train their own staff. Therefore you need a continuous combination of classroom-based trainings, videos and testing mails with a lot of variation to have in-depth skills in recognizing phishing attempts.

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User awareness training
On this page Kappa Data informs you how classroom based user awareness training can bring more cybersecurity awareness in your organisation. 

Why should we train users?

Within the Cyberfundamentals Core function of Protect is an article where states : “Employess shall be trianed as appropriate”.  Because the cybersecurity threat landscape changing all the time, only experience is unfortunately no longer enough. 

Being trained is more than useful and if it’s done in a professional manner, it can be highly effective. Trainers know more by learning from others and can explain use cases out of their own experience or studies.

How can you train users?

But being trained by a human trainer isn’t the only way! Today virtual trainings are very popular. These are mostly videos that can be followed whenever it fits the student. If something comes in between, it’s easy to reschedule/replan. Some people like to play videos at a faster speed while others like to pause from time to time.
Another effective way of learning is “hands on” but in a controlled environment. What a flight simulator is for a new pilot, parking with pots for a new driver or a treadmill for a runner, we need a similar environment for an email user to be trained not to fall for phishing attempts. The only problem in this case is, once in the lab, the student is aware that a training phishing attempt is about to take place. So we need a mixed environment, where users are doing their normal job when a testing phishing attempt comes in without any warning. The good thing is that it is a controlled environment so if the user falls for seduction, nothing really happens except a safe landing page explaining that fortunately this was only a test.

Efficient combination

For large environments putting everybody in a classroom is very expensive and time consuming. The word efficient is still far away. Thats why lots of companies make a dependent combination. Everybody needs to follow the videos, and everybody will receive testing emails. Unfortunately, not all users will put a lot of energy into these videos and will lack focus. Let’s be honest, it’s hard for a computer to block users from doing other stuff than watching – in their eyes – boring videos. The proof is in the result of the testing emails. We call them the hard to learn people. These people are put together in a human-based classroom for a traditional training session.

What can Kappa Data offer?

First of all, Kappa Data has a classroom-based training for small or large groups. A trainer comes onsite at the customer or the partners location for a bit more than an hour and a half. This can be in three languages: English, French or Dutch. On request, this training can also take place online, but keep in mind, that this is not the recommended way.
Both Barracuda and Sophos have a product that can send test messages to see how users react upon imitated phishing attacks. Results can be tracked and evaluated and depending on the result, automated different actions can be taken.
Please go into conversation with your account manager to discuss the possibilities that fit into your environment or portfolio.

NIS2 Requirements

These are simple and clear. Users need to be trained in user awareness. Although details are not given, the only way to know if they are well educated is to test them. This is one of the easiest checks in the box for NIS2. But remember, also for NIS2, this is not a one time shot. If you don’t practice a language, you’ll forget all about it.

Frequently asked questions

Check our FAQ section where you can find the first questions that have been asked to us during the last months.

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  • How does classroom-based user awareness training support compliance with the NIS 2 directives?

    Classroom-based user awareness training supports compliance with the NIS 2 directives by ensuring that employees are knowledgeable about their cybersecurity responsibilities and the importance of protecting critical infrastructure and essential services. The NIS 2 directives emphasize the need for comprehensive security measures, which include training staff to recognize and respond to threats. By providing this training, organizations can meet the directive’s requirements for personnel security and awareness.

  • What are the advantages of classroom-based training over online or self-paced training?

    The advantages of classroom-based training over online or self-paced training include:

    • Interactive learning: Participants can engage directly with instructors, ask questions, and participate in discussions, leading to a deeper understanding of the material.
    • Hands-on practice: Classroom settings often allow for practical exercises and real-time simulations, helping employees apply what they’ve learned in a controlled environment.
    • Immediate feedback: Instructors can provide instant feedback and clarification, ensuring that participants fully grasp key concepts.
    • Focused environment: The structured setting of a classroom reduces distractions, allowing participants to focus entirely on the training.
  • What is classroom-based user awareness training in cybersecurity?

    Classroom-based user awareness training in cybersecurity is an in-person educational program designed to teach employees about the latest cybersecurity threats, best practices, and their roles in protecting the organization’s digital assets. This training typically involves interactive sessions led by cybersecurity experts, covering topics such as phishing, password security, data protection, and incident response.

  • Why is user awareness training important for cybersecurity?

    User awareness training is crucial for cybersecurity because employees are often the first line of defense against cyber threats. By educating them on how to recognize and respond to potential security incidents, such as phishing attempts or suspicious activities, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of breaches. Trained employees are less likely to fall victim to social engineering attacks and more likely to follow security best practices.

  • Why should organizations invest in classroom-based user awareness training to comply with NIS 2 directives?

    Organizations should invest in classroom-based user awareness training to comply with NIS 2 directives because it ensures that all employees, especially those in critical roles, have a thorough understanding of cybersecurity risks and best practices. This type of training fosters a strong security culture, making it less likely for human error to lead to breaches or non-compliance with NIS 2 requirements. By prioritizing this investment, organizations not only comply with regulatory obligations but also enhance their overall security posture and resilience against cyber threats.

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Are you curious to learn how Kappa Data can help you with classroom user awareness training that is obligated by the NIS2 directives? Contact us for more information via the below button. 

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